Josh Howerton Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Josh Howerton is from America. He is a pastor, speaker, and author. He leads the Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall, Texas.

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Pastor Howerton was born in Texas, USA, and grew up in a Christian family. His grandfather and father were both pastors.

Even though he was raised in a Christian environment, he didn’t commit his life to Christ until he was 16. His first experience preaching happened when his youth pastor invited him to speak.

Now, Pastor Howerton is the leader of LakePointe Church. He is passionate about creating followers of Christ, training leaders, and starting new churches through the Strategic Launch Network.

Lakepointe’s church planting network has established and supports over 40 churches in mostly non-religious cities across the United States.


Josh Howerton was born on 3rd July, 1983.


Josh finished his studies at Union University, where he earned a degree in Theological Studies. After that, he attended Southern Seminary.

Family Life

Jana Howerton is Josh’s wife. They first met on a blind date and have been married since then. They have three children: Eliana, Felicity Hope, and Hudson.

Before joining Lake Pointe Church, the couple worked together at The Bridge Church in Nashville, TN for 10 years.


Josh is the Senior Pastor of Lakepointe Church, which has six campuses in Dallas, TX. Before joining LakePointe, he led The Bridge Church for ten years. Steve Stroope, from LakePointe Church, was Josh’s mentor and spiritual father.

When Steve, the senior pastor of LakePointe, looked for a successor, he developed a relationship with Josh. In 2018, Steve asked Josh to be the senior pastor, but Josh initially declined because he planned to retire at his current church.

Steve knew Josh’s passion for church planting, especially in urban areas, and persisted in his request. After visiting LakePointe’s Church planting strategies, something changed in Josh. He felt a calling to leverage his life for the greatest kingdom profit.

Despite initial hesitations, after several supernatural encounters, Josh and his wife changed their minds. They accepted LakePointe’s invitation, leaving The Bridge.

In February 2019, Josh and his family moved to LakePointe. For a year, he served as co-pastor with Steve before becoming the senior pastor in February 2020.


Josh is not just a pastor; he’s also an author. He worked with Craig Etheredge on a Bible study guide called “The Truth: Engaging the Foundations of the Faith.” This book helps disciples understand what they believe. It uses teaching, questions, conversation, exercises, and individual study to help people grow in their faith.

Josh and Craig also co-authored other books:

  1. “The Beginning: First Step For New Disciples”
  2. “The Gospel And The Truth”


Below is a list of life changing and inspiring sermons by Josh Howerton:

  1. The Sex Gospel
  2. How o Defeat The Influence of the World
  3. Six Lies About Forgiveness
  4. Teach Us To Number Our Days
  5. When Marriage is Hard
  6. Breaking The Anxiety Circle
  7. The Only Way To God
  8. A Sacrifice of Praise
  9. Freedom From A Victim Identity
  10. God isn’t Done With You Yet.

Net Worth

We don’t know how much money Pastor Josh Howerton has because his salary and earnings are not public. However, his main income comes from his full-time work as a pastor in ministry.

Social Media

You can follow Josh Howerton on the below social media platforms:

  1. Instagram: @josh howerton
  2. Twitter: @howertonjosh
  3. YouTube:  Lake Pointe Church