Dr. Bryan Cutshall Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Bryan Cutshall is an American pastor, speaker, and author. He leads Byran Cutshall Ministries and helped start the International School of the World. He also serves as the president of Church Trainers.

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Bryan Cutshall was born in the United States on September 30th. He grew up with two siblings, Tony and Sherry Cutshall, who are also pastors. Not much is known about his early days. Today, Dr. Bryan Cutshall is an international conference speaker, teacher, and consultant.


Dr. Cutshall was born on September 30th, but the exact year of his birth is unknown.

Family Life

Bryan is married to Faith Cutshall. They got married in 1983 and have been married for 39 years. Together with their entire family, they serve in full-time ministry.

God blessed them with four grown children: Brittany and Jeff, Lindsay and Jeremy. They are also grandparents to Macy, Brooklyn, Gia, Nora, and Audrey.


Dr. Byran is the president of the International School of the Word (ISOW), an online Bible School with over 8000 students in 72 countries. He also leads Church Trainer, a resource ministry for churches and leaders, and has written more than 48 books, including many training manuals for churches.

Before, he served as the Lead Pastor of Twin Rivers Worship Center in St. Louis, Missouri for 27 years. Under his leadership, the church grew from 52 members to one of the most relevant mega-churches in the Midwestern USA.

Dr. Cutshall has been on the Lee University board, the International Executive Council of the Church of God, a mayors’ council, and many other community boards and committees. He led over 40 mission trips and still leads trips to Israel.

Currently, he co-founded the International School of the Word with fellow minister Perry Stone. This online Bible College provides affordable, sound theological teaching.


Dr. Cutshall is the author of over 40 books. Some of his works include:

  1. What Does Christmas Mean, Daddy?
  2. The Legacy of Christmas
  3. Your Promise Land Awaits
  4. Unlocking The Prophecy Code
  5. Heaven On My Mind
  6. Armor Bearers
  7. Bows And Arrows
  8. Good News Vol. 1 – Vol. 6
  9. Where Does Courage Come From?


Dr. Byran is a great preacher, and he has delivered some life-changing sermons like:

  1. Holy Spirit, My Best Friend
  2. The Comfort Of Christ Coming
  3. Living To The Left Side Of God
  4. Your Body Is The Temple
  5. Signs And Wonders
  6. Keys To The Kingdom Of God
  7. The Spirit of Offense
  8. The Four Levels of Warfare
  9. Faith In Action
  10. The Beginning and the End

You can also discover more of Dr. Cutshall’s sermons on YouTube.

Net Worth

We don’t know Dr. Bryan Cutshall’s net worth because he hasn’t shared that information publicly. His main source of income comes from his work as a pastor.

Social Media

You can follow Dr. Byan Cutshall on the below social media platforms:

  1. Instagram: @bryancutshall
  2. Twitter: @bryancutshall
  3. Facebook: @DrBryanCutshall