Pastor Marcus Lamb Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Pastor Marcus Lamb is an American televangelist. He helped start the Daystar Television Network. Daystar is one of the biggest Christian TV networks globally. It shows a variety of religious programs, music, and talk shows.

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Born on October 7th, 1957, in Cordele, Georgia, Pastor Marcus Lamb grew up there. From a young age, he was a minister and later became a televangelist. At the age of five, he got baptized and dedicated himself to serving in the Church. By the time he was fifteen, he had become an evangelist.

Sadly, Marcus Lamb passed away due to complications from COVID-19 in Bedford, Texas, on November 30, 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic. He had diabetes. It is reported that he had been taking Ivermectin, an antiparasitic medication not proven to protect against COVID-19 and not recommended by medical authorities. Whether Lamb had been vaccinated is unknown.

Despite these details, Lamb, as a minister, impacted many lives through his teachings, sermons, and lifestyle.

Family Life

Marcus Lamb is married to Joni from Greenville, South Carolina. They met while he was preaching in a church. They got married in 1982. Joni, born on July 19th, 1960, in Colleyville, Texas, is a famous Christian broadcaster. She is the co-founder and vice-president of their work.

The couple has three children: Rachel Lamb, Rebecca Lamb, and Jonathan Lamb. You might have seen the Lambs on TV shows like Good Morning America and Dr. Phil. As a couple, their goal is to help other married couples stay together.


When Marcus Lamb was just 19 years old, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Art Theology.


Pastor Marcus Lamb is the CEO and Co-Founder of the Daystar Television Network. It’s the second-largest Christian television network globally, worth about $230 million. The net worth of Pastor Marcus Lamb and his wife is still unknown as of now.

In November 2010, Pastor Marcus Lamb admitted on Daystar Network that he had an extramarital affair, but it had ended several years before this admission.

Day Star Controversies

  1. Financial Transparency and Personal Use of Funds: Daystar has faced scrutiny over its financial practices and lack of transparency. Critics have raised concerns about how the network solicits donations and uses the funds it receives. There have been allegations that a significant portion of the donations was used for personal expenses and luxurious lifestyles of the Lamb family. Daystar has defended its financial practices, but these concerns have led to ongoing debates about accountability and transparency in the televangelism industry.
  2. Cancellation by Some Cable Providers: At various points, some cable and satellite providers have dropped or suspended Daystar from their programming lineup due to disputes over carriage fees, channel placement, and other contractual matters. These disputes have led to Daystar being temporarily unavailable in certain regions, which has sometimes sparked controversy among viewers who rely on the network for religious content.
  3. Health and Wealth Gospel Criticisms: Daystar, like many other televangelist networks, has been associated with the prosperity gospel or health and wealth gospel theology. This theology emphasizes material wealth and physical well-being as signs of God’s favor, which has been criticized by many theological experts and scholars as inconsistent with traditional Christian teachings.
  4. Teaching Controversial Doctrines: Some critics have raised concerns about the doctrinal teachings promoted on Daystar and other similar networks. Certain teachings, such as “seed faith” theology (which emphasizes giving money as a seed for future blessings), have been criticized for their focus on financial contributions as a means to receive blessings.
  5. Legal Battles and Lawsuits: Daystar and the Lamb family have been involved in legal battles and lawsuits, both with former employees and other entities. These legal issues have included allegations of wrongful termination, breach of contract, and other disputes.

Net Worth

Pastor Marcus Lamb net worth is not known.

Social Media

You can find Pastor Marcus Lamb on the below social media platforms:

  1. Instagram: marcuslamb
  2. twitter:@DaystarMarcus