Rick Renner Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Pastor Rick Renner is a well-known Christian minister, author, and speaker recognized for his teaching and leadership in the Christian community.

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Early Life

Rick Renner’s early life details are not clear or exact. There is no information about his parents, siblings, or childhood. However, we do know he was born to parents, has sisters, and they lived as a loving family, sharing meals and even having a car.


Rick Renner married Denise Renner, a beautiful and God-fearing woman. They met while both were following the life plans set for them by God. Denise is involved in the ministry and is a talented vocalist. They have three boys: Paul Renner, the oldest; Philip Renner, the second child; and Joel Renner, the third child. Since 1992, the family has lived in Moscow, and Rick and Denise now have eight grandchildren.

Throughout the years, Rick and Denise pioneered three churches, a Bible school, and a ministerial association that serves thousands of Russian-speaking pastors in the former USSR and parts of the Middle East. While Rick mentored leaders, Denise developed a women’s ministry actively involved in changing the lives of women and their families. They specifically minister to the needs of orphans, women prisoners, the homeless, and those with drug and alcohol addictions.


He studied Journalism and Greek in college and earned a Ph.D. in Theology from Life Christian University.


Rick Renner serves as the senior Pastor at Good News Church in Moscow. Along with his wife, he founded Good News Churches in Riga and Kiev. The couple also established the Good News Training Center and the Good News Association of Pastors and Churches, overseeing several hundred churches through these organizations.

Rick Renner founded Media Mir, the first Christian Television Network in the former USSR, reaching over 110 million people today. As pastors, Rick and Denise Renner aim to know Christ and present Him meaningfully. They broadcast in 13 languages worldwide.

Their vision is to spread the Gospel locally and globally, proclaiming Christ and teaching with wisdom to present everyone mature in Christ Jesus. Rick Renner’s ministry has a global impact, focusing on teaching and equipping believers to grow in faith and understanding of the Bible, embraced by individuals and churches worldwide.

Net Worth

Pastor Renner’s exact net worth isn’t known, but he receives a salary from the church. He also earns income from his approximately 35 books and from his public and motivational speaking engagements.


Rick Renner is a successful author with numerous books covering faith, leadership, and biblical studies. His books are well-regarded for delving deep into the Bible and providing practical applications of Christian principles. Some of his book titles include:

  1. Sparkling Gems from the Greek
  2. Last Days Survival Guide
  3. The Holy Spirit and You
  4. Testing the Supernatural
  5. Spiritual Weapons
  6. Build Your Foundation
  7. You Can Get Over It
  8. Life in the Combat Zone
  9. Unlikely
  10. Turn Your God-Given Dreams into Reality


Some of the sermons by Rick Renner are:

  1. The shepherds keeping watch
  2. A holy night
  3. A manager and swaddling clothes
  4. Why did God choose Joseph?
  5. Why did God choose Mary?
  6. Prayer of petition and authority
  7. Esteeming others better than yourself
  8. God calls the unlikely
  9. Power for the fight
  10. Don’t be shaken


  1. “You can extend your heart to the Holy Spirit today. Let Him take you by the hand – and He will safely guide you to the place where God wants you to go!”
  2. “Rather than act like a victim who cannot do anything about myself or my circumstance, today I start the process of acknowledging my sin and removing these attitudes, actions, and sins that are unworthy of the new creation I am today in Christ. I can be free, and I will be free. I will be ALL that God intended for me to be!”
  3. “Knowledge without application eventually becomes boring and unfulfilling.”
  4. If prayer isn’t a priority in your life right now, why not make it a priority starting today? You might say, But I don’t have time to pray. You have time to do whatever you really want to do. If it’s truly in your heart to pray, you can find the time. And if your schedule is as busy as you think it is, take Ephesians 6:18 to heart. Grab any available time you can find, and make it your prayer time. Why not starts this day out right? Make a quality decision to make prayer your first order of business!”
  5. “Dedication is writing your name on the botoom of a blank sheet of paper and handling it to the Lord for Him to fill in”
  6. “When believers allow sin and compromise to be in their lives, it drains away the power in the work of the Cross and the power of the Spirit that is resident in a believer’s life.”
  7. “Love passionately bears with others for as long as patience is needed; doesn’t demand others to be like itself, but is so focused on the needs of others that it bends over backwards to become what others need it to be; love is not ambitious, self-centered, or so consumed with itself that it never thinks of the needs or desires that others possess
  8. “If prayer isn’t a priority in your life right now, why not make it a priority starting today? You might say, “But I don’t have time to pray.” You have time to do whatever you really want to do. If it’s truly in your heart to pray, you can find the time. And if your schedule is as busy as you think it is, take Ephesians 6:18 to heart. Grab any available time you can find, and make it your prayer time. Why not starts this day out right? Make a quality decision to make prayer your first order of business!”
  9. “Speaking as God’s spokesmen is one of the greatest responsibilities ever given to us as believers. We must handle His Word carefully and do our best to impart its powerful truth in its purest form to others.”
  10. “If you know someone who is discouraged because his fight isn’t won yet, speak to that person truthfully and forthrightly, the way a commanding officer would speak to his troops.”

Social Media

You can find Rick Renner on the following social media platforms:

  1. Instagram: @rickrrenner
  2. YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/user/RennerMinistries
  3. Website: renner.org