Stephanie Rouse Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Stefanie Rouse is a lifestyle blogger and relationship educator. She uses the brand name “Unshakable Crown” and assists people in overcoming life’s challenges to maintain a healthy and enduring marriage.


Stefanie was born on March 10, 1987, in Pennsylvania. She grew up in a very religious Catholic home with many rules. She used to fear God, but it was based on misconceptions. Stefanie remembers a tradition that caused her anxiety – wearing a blessed necklace to avoid going to hell. This tradition gave her panic attacks. Now, she understands it wasn’t about having a personal relationship with the true, loving God.


She was born on March 10, 1987 in Pennsylvania.


Stefanie earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Penn State University. After that, she pursued a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. Additionally, she has experience working as a wedding photographer.

Stephanie Rouse Husband

Stefanie is married to Caleb, and they’ve been married for 10 years. Caleb mentioned it was “love at first sight” for him, although it took about a year from their first meeting to go on their first date.

During their dating phase, the couple felt a deep sense of comfort with each other, allowing them to be completely themselves. This freedom was a precious gift, and they sensed God’s presence throughout their dating and marriage journey.

Stefanie emphasizes the importance of authenticity in their relationship, stating, “There was no striving, no putting on a facade.” She made a decision not to change any part of herself to be with someone who didn’t let her be true to who God created her to be.

Having dated others before, even good Christian guys, Stefanie highlights the significance of finding the right person. “It only takes one. If you don’t have peace in your heart, it’s not God’s best.”

Stefanie Rouse Journey To Faith

In high school, Stefanie was invited to a unique Bible study tradition. The woman who invited her stood out as different from anyone Stefanie had ever met. Stefanie describes the group attending the study as unexpected for a Bible study, and the woman acted like a mother figure to the group.

Stefanie faced an abusive relationship, and her faith mentor encouraged her to leave. Later, her mentor was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and despite praying for healing, she passed away. This loss deeply affected Stefanie’s relationship with God, leading her to turn away from Him and become distant in her twenties. Despite appearing happy, Stefanie was actually suicidal at that time.

A friend suggested she surrender everything to Jesus and go all-in with Him. Taking this advice, Stefanie experienced a transformative encounter with Jesus. She realized her need for Him every day, acknowledging the challenges in herself and the world.


Stefanie initiated a mentorship class called “Cultivate Your Dream Relationship.” She began this Marriage and Family Therapy program during her single life. After becoming a Christian, she entered a relationship and got engaged, preparing for marriage. Unexpectedly, her fiancé broke up with her without an explanation, shattering her future plans and connections. In that difficult moment, God became her source of strength, and she realized, “God, even if it’s just You and me forever, that’s okay.”

This experience revealed a barrier between life’s pain and receiving God’s love. Stefanie recognized a lack of knowledge in healthy communication, setting boundaries, and identifying red flags. She wanted to learn these skills from a theological perspective, not just for her future clients but also for her own healing.

Net Worth

Stephanie Rouse net worth is not known.

Social Media

You can find Stephanie Rouse on the below social media platforms:

  1. Facebook: Stefanie Rouse
  2. Instagram: @stefanie.rouse
  3. Twitter: @stefanielrouse