Mark Dever Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career, and Achievements

Mark Dever is an American pastor, author, and speaker known for his prominent role in the evangelical Christian community. Mark Dever was born on July 28, 1960, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He is best known for his work in the areas of pastoral ministry, church revitalization, and theological education.

Mark Dever is a respected figure in the world of evangelical Christianity, known for his dedication to pastoral ministry, biblical preaching, and church revitalization. In this comprehensive biography, we will explore the life and accomplishments of Mark Dever, including his age, net worth, family, career, and significant achievements.

Age and Early Life:

Mark Dever was born on July 28, 1960, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. From a young age, he exhibited a strong interest in theology and the Christian faith. This early passion for the church and its teachings would go on to shape his life’s work.


Mark Dever’s educational journey reflects his commitment to theological studies and pastoral ministry. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Greek and Philosophy from Gordon College and later pursued a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He continued his studies at the University of Cambridge, where he received a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in ecclesiastical history.

Career Highlights:

Mark Dever’s career in pastoral ministry and Christian leadership is marked by several notable achievements:

  1. Founding 9Marks Ministries: In 1998, Mark Dever founded 9Marks Ministries, an organization dedicated to equipping pastors and church leaders for biblically faithful ministry. Through 9Marks, he has published books, articles, and resources that have influenced many churches and leaders worldwide.
  2. Pastoral Leadership: Mark has served as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., since 1994. Under his leadership, the church has grown and gained recognition for its commitment to expositional preaching, church discipline, and a biblical understanding of church membership.
  3. Authorship: Mark Dever is a prolific author, having written numerous books on topics such as church membership, the local church, and pastoral ministry. His books, including “Nine Marks of a Healthy Church,” have been influential in shaping the practices of many churches.
  4. Conference Speaker: Mark is a sought-after speaker at conferences and seminars on topics related to church health, leadership, and biblical preaching. He has addressed audiences around the world, sharing his expertise and passion for sound biblical doctrine.

Net Worth:

Mark Dever’s net worth is believed to be between $1 million and $5 million dollars.

Family Life:

Mark Dever is a family-oriented individual. He is married to Connie Dever, and the couple has two children. Their commitment to family values and their Christian faith is a cornerstone of their life and ministry.

Achievements and Contributions:

Mark Dever’s life and ministry have left a lasting impact on the world of evangelical Christianity. His commitment to biblical preaching, church revitalization, and theological education has influenced countless pastors and church leaders. Through 9Marks Ministries and his pastoral work, he continues to equip churches and leaders to build healthy, biblically faithful congregations.

Mark Dever Books

Mark Dever is a writer as much as he is an avid reader. Some of his works include:

  • Dever, Mark E., ed., Polity: A Collection of Historic Baptist Documents-Biblical Arguments on How to Conduct Church Life (2001)
  • A Display of God’s Glory (2001)
  • Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (2004)
  • The Deliberate Church – Building Your Ministry on the Gospel (2005)
  • The Message of the New Testament: Promises Kept (2005)
  • The Message of the Old Testament: Promises Made (2006)
  • By Whose Authority? Elders in Baptist Life (2006)
  • The Gospel and Personal Evangelism (2007)
  • What is a Healthy Church? (2007)
  • 12 Challenges Churches Face (2008)
  • In My Place Condemned He Stood: Celebrating the Glory of the Atonement (2008)
  • It is Well: Expositions on Substitutionary Atonement, with Michael Lawrence (2010)
  • What Does God Want of us Anyway? (2010)
  • Preach: Theology Meets Practice, with Greg Gilbert (2012)
  • The Church: the Gospel Made Visible (2012)
  • ‘ Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus ‘ (2016)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is Mark Dever?

Mark Dever is an American pastor, author, and speaker known for his contributions to evangelical Christianity. He is recognized for his work in pastoral ministry, church revitalization, and theological education.

2. When and where was Mark Dever born?

Mark Dever was born on July 28, 1960, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

3. What is Mark Dever’s educational background?

Mark Dever earned a Bachelor of Arts in Greek and Philosophy from Gordon College and a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in ecclesiastical history from the University of Cambridge.

4. What are some of Mark Dever’s notable career achievements?

Mark Dever founded 9Marks Ministries, a organization dedicated to promoting healthy churches through biblical preaching, church membership, and discipline. He has also served as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and is a prolific author on topics related to the local church and pastoral ministry.

5. What is Mark Dever’s approach to church health and revitalization?

Mark Dever emphasizes the importance of biblical preaching, sound doctrine, church membership, and church discipline as key elements of a healthy church. He has written extensively and spoken on these topics to help churches grow in faithfulness and vitality.

6. How has Mark Dever’s work influenced the evangelical Christian community?

Mark Dever’s ministry and writings have had a significant impact on evangelical Christianity by advocating for biblical fidelity and the importance of healthy, gospel-centered local churches. His books and resources have been widely used by pastors and church leaders.


Mark Dever’s biography is a testament to his unwavering commitment to pastoral ministry, biblical preaching, and church health. His dedication to equipping leaders and churches for faithful ministry has earned him respect and recognition in Christian circles. As he continues to lead Capitol Hill Baptist Church and guide 9Marks Ministries, Mark Dever remains a significant figure in the pursuit of healthy, gospel-centered churches around the world.