Joseph Prince Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Joseph Prince is a prominent Singaporean pastor, author, and international Christian speaker known for his influential ministry and teachings on the message of God’s grace and love. He was born on May 15, 1963, in Singapore. Joseph Prince is the senior pastor and founder of New Creation Church, one of the largest and most well-known Christian congregations in Asia.

His ministry has gained worldwide recognition, and he has authored numerous best-selling books, including “Destined to Reign” and “The Power of Right Believing.” Joseph Prince’s teaching style emphasizes the unmerited grace of God and has garnered a broad following of Christians who appreciate his messages of hope, faith, and God’s unconditional love.

Joseph Prince’s influence extends beyond his church, as his sermons and teachings are broadcasted globally, reaching a diverse audience of believers. His work has earned him a place among influential spiritual leaders in the Christian community, making him a significant figure in the realm of contemporary Christianity. This blog post delves into the life and achievements of Joseph Prince, shedding light on his age, net worth, family, career, and remarkable accomplishments. Whether you’re a devoted follower or just getting to know him, this comprehensive biography aims to provide insights into the life of this remarkable individual.

Early Life and Background

Joseph Prince was born on May 15, 1963, in Singapore. His early years were marked by a deep connection to his Christian faith and a genuine love for the teachings of Jesus Christ. This deep-rooted spirituality would later guide him towards his career and life’s mission.


As of [Current Date], Joseph Prince is 60 years old. His journey from a young devotee to a globally recognized spiritual leader is a testament to his unwavering commitment to his faith and his mission to spread the message of God’s grace.


Joseph Prince comes from a close-knit family that played an integral role in nurturing his spiritual values. While he usually keeps his family life private, the values instilled by his family have greatly influenced his career and life’s work.


Joseph Prince’s career is a testament to his dedication to spreading the message of God’s grace and love. He embarked on his spiritual journey at an early age, initially serving as an IT consultant before transitioning into full-time ministry.

Some of his career highlights include:

  1. Founding New Creation Church: In 1983, Joseph Prince founded New Creation Church in Singapore, which has since grown into one of the largest and most influential churches in Asia.
  2. Teaching Ministry: Through his teachings and sermons, Joseph Prince has reached a global audience, sharing the message of grace and love found in Jesus Christ.
  3. Published Works: He has authored numerous books, including bestsellers like “Destined to Reign” and “The Power of Right Believing.”

Joseph Prince’s unwavering commitment to his faith and his relentless efforts to share God’s grace have made him a beloved figure within the Christian community and beyond.

Net Worth

In October 2014, Prince was listed as the 10th wealthiest pastor globally on, with an estimated net worth of S$6.4 million (£3.13 million).

ALSO READ: Wendy Prince Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Social media

Follow Pastor Joseph Prince on the below social media platforms:

  1. Instagram: @Joseph Prince
  2. Facebook: Joseph Prince
  3. Youtube: Joseph Prince


Some of his published books are listed below:

  1. Grace Revolution: Experience the Power to Live Above Defeat (2015)
  2. Glorious Grace: 100 Daily Readings from Grace Revolution (2015)
  3.  The Prayer of Protection: Living Fearlessly in Dangerous Times.
  4. Live the Let-Go Life: Breaking Free from Stress, Worry, and Anxiety (2017)
  5. Destined to Reign: The Secret to Effortless Success, Wholeness and Victorious Living.
  6. Right Place Right Time (2008)
  7. Unmerited Favor: Your Supernatural Advantage for a Successful Life.
  8.  100 Days of Favor.
  9. The Benjamin Generation (2011)
  10. Health and Wholeness Through the Holy Communion (2011)
  11. Healing Promises (2012)
  12. Provision Promises (2013)
  13. The Power of Right Believing (2013)
  14. No More Mind Games: Win Over Discouragement and Depression (2018)
  15. Anchored: Finding Peace in The Storms of Life (2018)
  16. Give Me This Mountain: Faith to go from Barely Surviving to Actually Thriving (2020)
  17. Expedition Promised Land: Walk Where Jesus Walked (2021)

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. Who is Joseph Prince?

Joseph Prince is a renowned Singaporean pastor, author, and international Christian speaker known for his teachings on God’s grace and love.

2. When and where was Joseph Prince born?

Joseph Prince was born on May 15, 1963, in Singapore.

3. What is Joseph Prince’s main message or teaching focus?

Joseph Prince’s teachings primarily revolve around the message of God’s grace, love, and the unconditional nature of God’s blessings.

4. What is Joseph Prince’s career and ministry?

He is the senior pastor and founder of New Creation Church, one of the largest and most prominent Christian congregations in Asia.

5. Can you provide some notable achievements in Joseph Prince’s career?

Joseph Prince has been recognized as one of the world’s wealthiest pastors and has authored several best-selling books, including “Destined to Reign.”

6. What is Joseph Prince’s estimated net worth?

His estimated net worth was reported as S$6.4 million (£3.13 million) in October 2014.

7. Has Joseph Prince received any awards or recognition for his work?

Joseph Prince’s ministry has earned him a place among influential spiritual leaders, but specific awards or honors may not be as prominent in his recognition.

8. What is Joseph Prince’s impact on the Christian community?

Joseph Prince has had a profound impact by spreading the message of God’s grace and love, offering hope and inspiration to Christians worldwide.

9. What is Joseph Prince’s role beyond his ministry work?

While his primary focus is ministry, he is also an author and speaker, sharing his teachings and insights with a global audience beyond his congregation.

Final Thoughts

Joseph Prince’s journey from a devout young Christian to a globally recognized spiritual leader is nothing short of remarkable. His unwavering commitment to spreading the message of grace and love through his ministry has touched the lives of millions. As he continues to inspire and uplift, the world anticipates the continued impact of Joseph Prince in the realm of faith and spirituality.