Alex Seely Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Career and Achievements

Alex Seely is from Australia and works as a pastor and public speaker. She loves to talk to people and is also an author. She enjoys teaching and sharing her knowledge about faith.

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Alex was born in Australia in 1973 to parents who were Christians. From a young age, she chose to follow Jesus and wanted to help the church using her talents. While working as a gospel minister, she met Henry Seeley, who later became her husband.

For 17 years, Alex worked as one of the bosses at an Australian church. In 2012, Alex, her husband, and their two kids moved to Nashville, Tennessee. They started helping musicians and artists in their home.


The exact age of Alex Seely is not known. However, she was born in the year 1973.

Family Life

Pastor Alex and her husband, Henry Seely, met in Australia before she moved to America. They’ve been married for nearly twenty years and have two kids named Taylor and Holly.


Alex has spent most of her life in the Church. She loves to tell people about Jesus and make sure many know about Him all around the world. She became well-known after working for 17 years as the Executive Pastor at Planet Shakers. Planet Shakers was a small worship group that became one of Australia’s fastest-growing churches.

In 2012, Alex and her husband moved to Nashville. Because lots of people were too busy to go to church on Sundays, they started a fellowship to share God’s Word with them.

Starting with just seven people, they began the Belonging Church, and it quickly grew. By 2014, there were between 100 and 130 people at each service. The church grew fast and now has over 3,000 people attending. They hold services on Sunday and Tuesday nights.

In 2022, Alex started Paper Girl Curators. It’s a program for women who lead in both religious and non-religious areas. They have twelve-week classes that offer strong teaching and discussions. She’s also been on Christian talk shows like Better Together, hosted by Laurie Crouch.

Alex has also met other successful women in the Christian community like Stephanie Ike, Christine Caine, and Priscilla Shirer.

Net Worth

Currently, the exact net worth of Alex Seely is uncertain. Yet, there are reports suggesting that she and her husband have an estimated net worth of around $10 million USD.

Social Media

You can follow Alex Seekly on the below social media platforms:

  1. Instagram: @alexseely
  2. Twitter: @alexseely73